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Welcome to the world of stories that builds connections

The power of words cannot be undermined. Stories aren't mere fiction. They're tools to attract people. They help you and your brand relate and interact with your consumer on a personal level.


Reach out to me if you believe in the power of stories too.

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Read the story of the storyteller

 A good story is never perfect. There are elements of distress, conflicts to be resolved, all of which eventually lead to a happy ending.  'Happy'again varies with perception. In my perception, this story does have a happy 'ending' or maybe, the 'beginning' would be more appropriate. Let me tell you why.


I loved writing ever since I was a child. But I always saw it as a hobby. I wasn't smart enough to recognize it for the overwhelming passion that it was. Being Desi, I ended up choosing science as per my parents' wishes and graduated as a dentist, no less.


Despite being trained to hold the aerotor, my fingers could never escape the lure of the keyboard. I continued to write extensively even if it was part-time.


I wrote and curated content for a virtual microfiction and storytelling platform for two years and still continue to do so.


I worked part-time as an intern at United nations recognized career counseling and education startup, The Climber.


I drafted letters of recommendation for a short period at Valued Epistemics.


I was the Student Incharge for my dental school's magazine and silver jubilee souvenir Argentum.


I currently work as a Social Media and Content Manager at a book rental subscription company that aims to revive the culture of reading books amongst today's generation. 


My journey as a writer is a happy beginning and ends the story of my search to explore my true passion.





Stories are a combination of the past, present, and the future. Here is a brief description of my past work experiences.

Feel free to contact me if you wish to know the details, the struggles and the stories behind it.


September, 2016

People often resort to their mobile screens to read stories, poetry and explore other forms of fiction content. 


With an experience of 2+ years at Withered Weedy Writers, I am the right person to help you exploit this section of the audience.


Mumbai and Bengaluru


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